A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

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Turn based RPG made for the 1Room RPG Jam where a girl is trapped inside her own room when something strange happens and she will have to solve puzzles and fight against monsters alongside her new friend to get back to normal.

This game was released for the 1Room RPG Game jam and we could say that even while having that short time to develop the team loved working on this game so we worked hard to have it finished as much as possible before the jam ends. And even since this is the first game like this the team did we are pretty sattisfied, even knowing it could be better.

So if you like the game and you'd like to see more of these two kids don't hesitate to contact us. Who know's? Maybe their story is not finished yet.


  • Carlos Adán López - Game/Level Design & Programmer
  • Angélica Villafañe López (Angl-V) - Game/Level Design & Artist

Contact Info:

Carlos Adán López (Cal Aran):

Angélica Villafañe López (Angl-V)


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

iwantmyroom-osx.zip 30 MB
Version 1.5.2
iwantmyroom-windows.zip 29 MB
Version 1.5.2

Development log


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I'm … stuck on two of the puzzles. I feel uncool.

If you tell what puzzles are those we could help.

That'd be the alarm clock and the wall panel.

(1 edit)



The wall panel is related with all the other puzzles, so in the previous message before start the puzzle it tells you how to get all numbers but the last one and also the order to put them into the panel. There's a way to get that third number but first you have to get the other two. Or you can just try it randomly... but you'd know what happens if you fail.

That said, the key to solve clock's puzzle is what Angie says. All you have to do is to set the alarm clock's time correctly. You can take a look at the clock from the stats menu (that one with the character stats at left and another menu at right).

Just another thing in case you need it. There are three pieces of paper, but the last one is hidden ;)

Thank you for participating! I'll play this game soon and let you know what I thought. It looks very cute and the setting is unique :)

You're welcome! Feel free to play it and tell your feelings to us ;)